about me.

Hey, friends. My name is Stephen, and this is where I write.

I was born in Panama City Beach, FL, where I spent my entire childhood. I attended my church's Christian school from K-12th grade, graduating in 2006. That fall, I ventured north to Alabama where I attended Samford University. I majored in Journalism & Mass Communication, minored in Political Science, and spent most of time with a campus ministry called RUF (Reformed University Fellowship). After graduating from Samford in 2010, I took an internship with RUF at the University of Tennessee. My years in Knoxville were some of the most beautiful, challenging, transformational years of my life.

In June of 2013, I left my beloved South and moved west to St. Louis, where I began graduate studies at Covenant Theological Seminary. I'm pursuing my Masters of Divinity, and I would love to return to college ministry after graduation if that's God's will.

I'm a fan of college football (go noles), musical theater, hiking, camping, mountains, cities, BBQ, coffee shops, good beer, downton abbey, playing basketball, frasier re-runs, giant jenga, country music, parks & rec, interesting food, and instagramming interesting food. Not necessarily in that order.

I'm also an INFJ...if that means anything to you.

This blog is where I start telling my story...both what's already been written and what God is still writing. I have no special insight or expertise to share with you...all I have is my story. My story has no greater value than anyone else's, but I think God uses our stories to connect us with each other and point us to his Great Story...to Himself.

There's beauty, and there's brokenness, but in the midst of it all, I'm starting to see the thread of Redemption. I pray that you all can see the same in your own stories...and I'd love to hear those stories too.

If this is your first time visiting my blog, I recommend starting with my first post, "Being Known," where I shared some important parts of my story for the first time.